Zip Food Handler provides the easiest and most affordable way for a food worker to get a safe food handler card. The 2 hour online course is split into 7 chapters, with a practice quiz at the end of each chapter. After learners finish the course, they take a 40 question assessment and, if they pass with 70% or better, they can download and print their food worker card and provide it to their manager.
Recognize how improperly cooked or stored food can cause illness
Prevent contamination of food and food contact surfaces with the hands and body
Describe how to clean and sanitize dishes, equipment and food preparation areas
Explain the danger of food contamination from pesticides and cleaning products
Use time and temperature control throughout the food cycle, from receiving, to storing, to preparing, to serving and reheating.
Maintain a clean environment for the receiving, preparation and service of food.
Recognize special processes to follow with individuals who have food allergies.
The Plum POS Hardware & Prerequisite Training course will allow learners to gain an understanding of the essential Hardware, make the correct connections, and navigate the Prerequisite Software for Plum POS.
Zip Food Handler proporciona la forma más fácil y económica para que un trabajador de alimentos obtenga una tarjeta de manipulador de alimentos segura. El curso en línea de 2 horas se divide en 7 capítulos, con un cuestionario de práctica al final de cada capítulo. Después de que los alumnos terminen el curso, realizan una evaluación de 40 preguntas y, si aprueban con un 70% o más, pueden descargar e imprimir su tarjeta de trabajador de alimentos y entregarla a su gerente.
Reconocer cómo los alimentos mal cocinados o almacenados pueden causar enfermedades
Prevenir la contaminación de alimentos y las superficies de contacto con alimentos con las manos y el cuerpo
Describir cómo limpiar y desinfectar platos, equipos y áreas de preparación de alimentos
Explicar el peligro de contaminación de los alimentos por pesticidas y productos de limpieza
Use el control de tiempo y temperatura durante todo el ciclo alimenticio, desde la recepción, el almacenamiento, la preparación, el servicio y el recalentamiento.
Mantener un ambiente limpio para recibir, preparar y servir los alimentos.
Reconocer los procesos especiales a seguir con las personas que tienen alergias alimentarias.
Zip Food Handler provides the easiest and most affordable way for a food worker to get a safe food handler card. The 2 hour online course is split into 7 chapters, with a practice quiz at the end of each chapter. After learners finish the course, they take a 40 question assessment and, if they pass with 70% or better, they can download and print their food worker card and provide it to their manager.
Recognize how improperly cooked or stored food can cause illness
Prevent contamination of food and food contact surfaces with the hands and body
Describe how to clean and sanitize dishes, equipment and food preparation areas
Explain the danger of food contamination from pesticides and cleaning products
Use time and temperature control throughout the food cycle, from receiving, to storing, to preparing, to serving and reheating.
Maintain a clean environment for the receiving, preparation and service of food.
Recognize special processes to follow with individuals who have food allergies.
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